- A. D. White House
Trans Studies Now! is a year-long speaker series organized by the Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program and the LGBT Studies Program at Cornell, with co-sponsorship from the Department of Literatures in English and the Society for the Humanities. Featuring cutting-edge scholars from a range of disciplines, the series offers a forum for discussing this field; audience members are invited to read selected articles before the event.
Guests are invited to read selected articles before the event.
Gabrielle M.W. Bychowski (Anisfield-Wolf SAGES Fellow at Case Western Reserve University) M.W. Bychowski is an Anisfield-Wolf SAGES Fellow teaching courses on transgender and intersex history, disability culture, racism, and medieval literature. A few of her recent and upcoming articles include, "Unconfessing Transgender: Dysphoric Youths and the Medicalization of Madness in John Gower’s “Tale of Iphis and Ianthe” (Accessus 2016), "The Necropolitics of Narcissus: Confessions of Transgender Suicide in the Middle Ages" (the Medieval Feminist Forum 2017), “The Island of Hermaphrodites: Disorienting the Place of Intersex in Pilgrimage Narratives” (Postmedieval 2018), alongside contributions to The Medieval Disability Ashgate Research Companion, Chaucerian Skin Matters, and the Companion to Medieval Sexuality. In addition to her other writing, she engages actively in the Digital Humanities, maintaining a website on transgender and disability culture, www.ThingsTransform.com, through which she offers, "Transform Talks," workshops and training for businesses, schools, and faith communities on issue of gender and disability. Such work has brought her to work with the White House twice in 2016 as part of the "LGBTQ Champions of Change" and "the Forum on LGBT and Disability Issues."
Heath Fogg Davis (Professor of Political Science, Director of Intellectual Heritage at Temple Univ.) Heath Fogg Davis (PhD in Politics, Princeton University, B.A. Harvard University) is the Director of Temple’s Intellectual Heritage Program. His book, Beyond Trans: Does Gender Matter? (New York University Press) offers practical strategies to help organizations of all kinds design and implement policies that are both trans-inclusive and institutionally smart. Newsweek named Beyond Trans a must-read book. His commentary on transgender and gender non-conforming political and legal issues has appeared in CNN.com, Sports Illustrated, the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Christian Science Monitor, Women's Health Magazine and on MSNBC, National Public Radio, C-SPAN Book TV, and other podcasts
Perry Zurn (Society Fellow 23-24, Associate Professor of Philosophy at American University) Perry Zurn is Provost Associate Professor of Philosophy at American University, and affiliate faculty in the Department of Critical Race, Gender, and Culture Studies, the Honors Program, and the Antiracist Research and Policy Center. Zurn will be a Fellow at the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University ('23-'24) and a visiting scholar at The Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Transgender Studies at the University of Pennsylvania ('23-'25). He researches primarily in political philosophy, critical theory, and transgender studies, and collaborates in psychology and network neuroscience. He is the author of Curiosity and Power: The Politics of Inquiry (2021) and the co-author of Curious Minds: The Power of Connection (MIT Press, 2022). He is also the co-editor of Active Intolerance: Michel Foucault, the Prisons Information Group, and the Future of Abolition (2016), Carceral Notebooks 12 (2017), Curiosity Studies: A New Ecology of Knowledge (2020), and Intolerable: Writings from Michel Foucault and the Prisons Information Group, 1970-1980 (2021). He is currently at work on a new monograph, How We Make Each Other: Trans Poetics at the Edge of the University (under contract, Duke University Press) and co-editing Trans Philosophy: Meaning and Mattering (forthcoming).
The readings can be found here.
Reception following, with light refreshments
On November 10 there will be a Graduate Student Breakfast with the speakers at 9:30am
190 Rockefeller Hall
Please RSVP to attend the breakfast conversation.
Events will be held at the A.D. White House; they are free and open to the public. For more information, contact FGSS Director Jane Juffer at jaj93@cornell.edu.
Trans Studies NOW! "Policy and Trans Poetics" on Cornell Events